You are about to get your coffee in The Twilight Zone

It is very early, & the coffee is brewing as I open the cupboard to look at all the various coffee mugs.  Every morning, what one I choose is based on my mood, and it somehow sets the tone for the coffee experience. Its a very important choice! And is an important trait Ive passed on to my oldest daughter!

Hard decision…really wanted the earthy sage-y green hand thrown pottery looking mug but didnt see it, so choose the next best mug….a large Starbucks mug.  Pour my hot coffee and head to the computer to see what has transpired in the email/twitter/facebook world while I slept.  This is a morning that I really NEED a strong cup of coffee as for whatever reason I had a hard time sleeping.  The coffee is simply amazing this morning–like heaven in a cup!

Its not long and I realize my coffee needs a warmup…so back to the kitchen..add some hot coffee, but it needs just a little ‘bump’ to get it to the right temp.  I put it in the microwave and go upstairs to wake up my daughter….well make the first attempt to anyway!

Come down, grab my coffee and back to the computer.  Im busy taking care of emails, tweets etc and glance at my mug.  Hmmm.   Dont really remember that mug.  Yet…it does have hot coffee ..& I AM the only one up.  I dont remember choosing the earthy sagey green hand thrown pottery looking mug, but who knows in my fatigue what I did.

Little later, I warm up my coffee, put in the microwave–go up to tell daughter that it really is time to get up.  Head back down…grab coffee and go back to the computer.    Gracious this coffee is good this morning! Nice and strong…yes, the Tim Horton’s was definitly a good choice.   As I set the mug down, Im a little taken back… gosh darn…its the Starbucks mug.

Could have sworn Id been using the earthy sage-y green hand thrown pottery looking one, but then again I do remember taking the Starbuck mug…or did I just think I did???  Am I losing my mind or what?

I glance at the clock and head back to pull all “night-support” from youngest daughter—this is serious when it gets to this stage….this means the light goes on, fan goes off, blinds are opened….blankets pulled off…and yes…..even Hobbs, the tiger, is taken from her arms!!!

I come down and my oldest daughter is standing there with a cup of coffee for me.

I gasp.  It is the earthy sage-y green hand thrown pottery looking mug!  I dont hardly even dare take it for fear of slipping totally off the edge of sanity.

She says “by the way, I was melting some butter in the microwave, and when I went to take it out I found this in there….yours I assume?”   Now, why she would just ‘assume’ its mine is beyond me.  But I did figure out the dark secret of the twilight zone….Whatever one puts in the front of the microwave, ends up at the back at the end of the cycle.   So if perhaps there was a mug of coffee in there previously (like WHO would have done that???)  then that mug ended up in front.

I decided that I did need another cup of coffee….but chose the black mug with “What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail” words on it

Your morning  mug choice may seem totally unimportant….unless you are about to enter the  Twilight Zone.

Published in: on January 20, 2009 at 7:01 am  Comments (1)  

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  1. LOL…awesome! Has happened to me and my mom a lot!

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