2009?? – How can that be???

Seriously…how can it be 200NINE??  The week between Christmas & NewYears is always a favorite time of year..its like a ‘no-time-zone’ as I still have the tree up & enjoy sitting at night basking in the soft glow of the tree lights. The hustle & bustle of Christmas is over, and Brittany, my daughter who lives in California is still home on vacation…so life has kind of a sureal feel.  Lifes schedule isnt the norm due to Christmas & New Years…few extra days off work.

And then it hits me like a train…we are in 2009.  Honestly, if I were to close my eyes,  Im mentally back in early 2008…at best!  How does this happen?

This last year time has been a blur. I bought a house, and between settling in and working on it, rather intense year at work, being single mom of 4 kids and 4 cats, getting my son settled into his own apartment, losing 3 grandparents in 9 months……..well its just been a bit chaotic!

This year I want to focus on living in the moment more.  Not be anxious about the tomorrows, and not re-live any regrets of the yesterdays.  As my oldest daughter pointed out “Mom, in 2 more days today will be yesterday!”

So…if I focus on making today an INTENTIONAL day….paying attention to what is really important..not just urgent.  Slow down. Worry less.  Then 2 days from now, I can look back at today and give it a thumbs up…job well done!

I put on  paper what my goals are for this year….and did it by the month. So they are broken down.  In January I have one goal.  complete it and move on to February’s goal.   So by year end I will have accomplished 12 goals, instead of failing at 6 huge ones!  Hazel napping

My goal for January is to organize the cave…at least achieve some organized chaos! 🙂

So if you stop by the cave,  you may have to step around some bins….but the coffee is on, and I’ll even share my stash of Godiva chocolates.  Have a seat and relax.

Just move Hazel to the side….


Brenda, who is on a mission to eliminate all cave clutter!

Published in: on January 3, 2009 at 11:41 pm  Leave a Comment  

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